Saturday, November 6, 2010


Knk aku plng yg jd mngsa keadaan??...Aku xda wik pun fb nya ngan sial ya,p knk aku juak yg knk???jaik gilak ka ku tok d'mata nya?..Ku just xmok pa2 jd kat nya jak bha..ku gk syg nya..syg glak2!!P td aku plng d'mwh,d'tengking nya..maka aku nang xbwik pun fb nya ngan sial ya bha......ku xpat nk brkata2 gk tek..ku just hnya pat nangis tahan skt aty ku d'entam sial ya.....!Ku nang xda pa2 gk ngan FATIN, p aku ttp syg nya bha...ku xmok da pa2 jd kat nya..!!!!!I'm sorry if i hurt u...Tp kmk xpat tahan skt aty kmk tok..kmk arap ktk fhm kmk n plez boh jdkan kmk mangsa keadaan....:'(
Camne lar ku nk buank rsa skt aty ku tok????......

Rindu sangat2 kat awak!!!

Kmk rindu ktk aie??Rndu glak2 tok...!kmk tauk kmk slh...kmk pun xtauk pa sbb kmk plh tak camya...kewja gla kot??Knek pun kmk dh mrasa skt ya camne..
knek mst ktk dh xlalek ngan kmk gk nk???kmk salah..Nyesal kmk lepas ktk,tp kmk ttp akan 2gu ktk...kmk mok ktk blit p comfirm ktk xkan mok kmk blit kan???Semmgnya kmk jelez glak bla kmk dpt tauk ktk kontex ngan kazen mek dkpun and ktk pdh ktk ska nya!!kmk xpat timak bha..kmk xmok ktk da gwex..kmk jelez,bbna jelez!!!I really2 misz u FATIN..Kmk xtauk camne nk buank rsa kmk tok...Prasaan tok dtg blit kat kmk..
Kmk rndu nk brmnja ngan ktk salu....i misz all about u right now..:'(
after all this, i still love you and always love u!!even though i hurt&degrade you..I'm sorry all about this..
when you start sneaking off, all shady..never thought u hate me, but maybe im suppose to, because you made me....FATIN
Kmk still misz my "ALWAYS"...Ktk lar yg salu pjuk kmk..suma lar..P kmk ttp salah sbb salu plh ktk skt aty ngan kmk!!!
P nyesal knek pa lar gna nk??Still waiting...
i hope someday you could think about me loving you truly and somehow youre still in the other hand but i cant really just forget you..

Friday, October 29, 2010

Terima kasih awak...

Dlu kta happy mcm dunia ini kta yg punya..Happy nye kta~Namun itu suma hnya smentara...Rupa2nya slama ni awk cuma brpura2 mnyayangi sy,awk kta sy kasar sgt,sy xpndai jga aty awk?Sy xmmahami awk?Mcm2 alasan awk ckp ttg sy..SAYA XFAHAM!knp skrg!!!!Awk tlah hncurkan aty sy pastu tuduh sy bkn2..!Hnya tuhan jer tau btapa sktnya aty sy wktu 2 kerana awk tlah mnjd isan yg lemah...
Awk xprnh mnghargai prasaan sy,wktu yg tlah kta luang brsama...Sy ingin mlupakan suma kisah luka ini,namun ia bkn smudah yg sy sangkakan...Sy mngambil masa utk brdiri smula..Once it's broken so many times you start 2 lose peices so it's just best,if i keep it 2 myself 4 now on b4 i lose toO much i'm ready in toO deep...When you look inside the gurl heart,you see the struggle it takes 2 through all the crap in her life~You see all the lies,the bull shit and the time she wished she was dead but most of all you see how hard it was 2 let go of the asshole who acted like HE actuallu CARED!!!
Namun,,,Sy tidak mmusuhi awk sbb kerana awk sy tahu erti syg dan sakit...
Sy tahu bgaimana utk mnghadapi ksktan dan mrawatnya..TERIMA KASIH AWAK~

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A moment like this....LOVE???

You know what's sad about love????
It when u happen 2 know that there just no hope 4 u being 2gether yet u still pray 2 make it work,it when u mind says let go but ur heart says hold on...And most of all,it's when no matter how u try 2 forget him/her u just can't..Bcoz of the fact that u still love him/her and u just don't know why...??Try loving some1 you've loved b4 and you'll realize that it will either lead 2 the same thing that happened b4 or something better..
No hard isn't it???
But why not try loving some1 who doesn't love u back...It's either u see urself giving up or dying daily...
If ur love and get hurt,love more~
If ur love more and get hurt more,love even more..
If ur love even more and get hurt even more,love some1 until it's hurt no more~
The gauge of how much u trul treasure something or some1 it not how happy u are with them But how sad u are when u lost them...
Sometimes,what driver one away is not the absence of emotion,but the overwhelming presence of it..
Attraction comes 2 us by chance,but true love that lasts is truly a choice..
Sometimes i choose 2 pretend i'm happy so i don't have 2 explain 2 people who would never even understand...Crying is always easier than explaining 2 all why i'm sad~In life,i have done every way of fighting,heard every painful truth.Been in every heartbreaking scene,and felt every dreadful feeling.."LOVE IS LIKE GIVING SOME1 A GUN,giving them point it at ur heart and trusting 2 never pull the strigger..

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mieylan:One of the reason???Part 2..

There are times when i wish that i was limited 2 certain that i'll never have 2 experience pain,never feel betrayed or dissappointed and never get my fragile heart broken..
But the same thing mean that i'll never know how it feel 2 love and be love in return..The thought of it kind of scared me...To love a heart that's whole but numb or a heart that's broken but real..
Someday,u be looking back to those days we learned 2 love,get hurt,cry and fight..!
Maybe when that time comes,we'll be laughing at ur old dumb selves..Realizing how stupid we were 2 stand up 4 things we knew weren't really meant 4 us...But i guess learning takes time,and mistake make one's journey fun..
LIFE IS WHAT WE MAKE IT!!Love makes the world go around..
So let's live,love,and take whatever pain it brings though it's hard 2 wait around 4 something that i know will never happen..It's harder 2 stop when i know it's everything i've always wanted..But u know what????
I'm didn't like n i'm not glad it happend......

Monday, October 11, 2010

Mieylan:One of the reason???Part 1..

art One of the reason why people get so sentimental???
It's bcoz,memories are the only things that don't change..When everything else does,,
There are things in life that u can't hold on forever,no matter how much u fight 4 it..Sometimes destiny isn't always goOd,it becomes playful.When u met some1 u learned 2 love,u thought that it was destiny who made your paths cross but what if making ur paths cross it just a part of the game that the playful destiny create??
Making you realize in the end that the person u thought that was destined 4 u wasn't really meant 2 stay..
But only destined 2 make u feel love and leave u when you've already fallen..It's not easy 2 state a reason when u decide 2 leave ur love,Some might think it's just an excuse but some might not actually believe....
Some will blame u,some might even be mad at u...What they don't see is the fact that??? It hurt u even more 2 hurt some1 who doesn't deserve 2 be hurt especially when u can't actually state the reason why you have 2 laeve????You can never own something that was never yours..So let's stop gripping on things we expect 2 last 4ever..Nothing last 4ever?4ever is a lie!!!Everything is transitory...
So while u have something in ur hand,put in mind that it's just borrowed...So that someday when it's gone,it's wont take u eternity just 2 let it go..When your feelings get strong 4 some1,it's always wise 2 stop 4 a while and give ur heart..A time 2 use ur mind 2 weigh the situation based on reason not an emotion bcoz the saddest things that can happen is when one fall in love while the other one nothing more than friendship..
Love can sometimes be magic,but magic can sometimes be an illusion..????

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Miss My Old handphone!!:'(

My old Handphone!!!!!
Sony ericsson...