Friday, October 15, 2010

Mieylan:One of the reason???Part 2..

There are times when i wish that i was limited 2 certain that i'll never have 2 experience pain,never feel betrayed or dissappointed and never get my fragile heart broken..
But the same thing mean that i'll never know how it feel 2 love and be love in return..The thought of it kind of scared me...To love a heart that's whole but numb or a heart that's broken but real..
Someday,u be looking back to those days we learned 2 love,get hurt,cry and fight..!
Maybe when that time comes,we'll be laughing at ur old dumb selves..Realizing how stupid we were 2 stand up 4 things we knew weren't really meant 4 us...But i guess learning takes time,and mistake make one's journey fun..
LIFE IS WHAT WE MAKE IT!!Love makes the world go around..
So let's live,love,and take whatever pain it brings though it's hard 2 wait around 4 something that i know will never happen..It's harder 2 stop when i know it's everything i've always wanted..But u know what????
I'm didn't like n i'm not glad it happend......