Saturday, November 6, 2010


Knk aku plng yg jd mngsa keadaan??...Aku xda wik pun fb nya ngan sial ya,p knk aku juak yg knk???jaik gilak ka ku tok d'mata nya?..Ku just xmok pa2 jd kat nya jak bha..ku gk syg nya..syg glak2!!P td aku plng d'mwh,d'tengking nya..maka aku nang xbwik pun fb nya ngan sial ya bha......ku xpat nk brkata2 gk tek..ku just hnya pat nangis tahan skt aty ku d'entam sial ya.....!Ku nang xda pa2 gk ngan FATIN, p aku ttp syg nya bha...ku xmok da pa2 jd kat nya..!!!!!I'm sorry if i hurt u...Tp kmk xpat tahan skt aty kmk tok..kmk arap ktk fhm kmk n plez boh jdkan kmk mangsa keadaan....:'(
Camne lar ku nk buank rsa skt aty ku tok????......

Rindu sangat2 kat awak!!!

Kmk rindu ktk aie??Rndu glak2 tok...!kmk tauk kmk slh...kmk pun xtauk pa sbb kmk plh tak camya...kewja gla kot??Knek pun kmk dh mrasa skt ya camne..
knek mst ktk dh xlalek ngan kmk gk nk???kmk salah..Nyesal kmk lepas ktk,tp kmk ttp akan 2gu ktk...kmk mok ktk blit p comfirm ktk xkan mok kmk blit kan???Semmgnya kmk jelez glak bla kmk dpt tauk ktk kontex ngan kazen mek dkpun and ktk pdh ktk ska nya!!kmk xpat timak bha..kmk xmok ktk da gwex..kmk jelez,bbna jelez!!!I really2 misz u FATIN..Kmk xtauk camne nk buank rsa kmk tok...Prasaan tok dtg blit kat kmk..
Kmk rndu nk brmnja ngan ktk salu....i misz all about u right now..:'(
after all this, i still love you and always love u!!even though i hurt&degrade you..I'm sorry all about this..
when you start sneaking off, all shady..never thought u hate me, but maybe im suppose to, because you made me....FATIN
Kmk still misz my "ALWAYS"...Ktk lar yg salu pjuk kmk..suma lar..P kmk ttp salah sbb salu plh ktk skt aty ngan kmk!!!
P nyesal knek pa lar gna nk??Still waiting...
i hope someday you could think about me loving you truly and somehow youre still in the other hand but i cant really just forget you..

Friday, October 29, 2010

Terima kasih awak...

Dlu kta happy mcm dunia ini kta yg punya..Happy nye kta~Namun itu suma hnya smentara...Rupa2nya slama ni awk cuma brpura2 mnyayangi sy,awk kta sy kasar sgt,sy xpndai jga aty awk?Sy xmmahami awk?Mcm2 alasan awk ckp ttg sy..SAYA XFAHAM!knp skrg!!!!Awk tlah hncurkan aty sy pastu tuduh sy bkn2..!Hnya tuhan jer tau btapa sktnya aty sy wktu 2 kerana awk tlah mnjd isan yg lemah...
Awk xprnh mnghargai prasaan sy,wktu yg tlah kta luang brsama...Sy ingin mlupakan suma kisah luka ini,namun ia bkn smudah yg sy sangkakan...Sy mngambil masa utk brdiri smula..Once it's broken so many times you start 2 lose peices so it's just best,if i keep it 2 myself 4 now on b4 i lose toO much i'm ready in toO deep...When you look inside the gurl heart,you see the struggle it takes 2 through all the crap in her life~You see all the lies,the bull shit and the time she wished she was dead but most of all you see how hard it was 2 let go of the asshole who acted like HE actuallu CARED!!!
Namun,,,Sy tidak mmusuhi awk sbb kerana awk sy tahu erti syg dan sakit...
Sy tahu bgaimana utk mnghadapi ksktan dan mrawatnya..TERIMA KASIH AWAK~

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A moment like this....LOVE???

You know what's sad about love????
It when u happen 2 know that there just no hope 4 u being 2gether yet u still pray 2 make it work,it when u mind says let go but ur heart says hold on...And most of all,it's when no matter how u try 2 forget him/her u just can't..Bcoz of the fact that u still love him/her and u just don't know why...??Try loving some1 you've loved b4 and you'll realize that it will either lead 2 the same thing that happened b4 or something better..
No hard isn't it???
But why not try loving some1 who doesn't love u back...It's either u see urself giving up or dying daily...
If ur love and get hurt,love more~
If ur love more and get hurt more,love even more..
If ur love even more and get hurt even more,love some1 until it's hurt no more~
The gauge of how much u trul treasure something or some1 it not how happy u are with them But how sad u are when u lost them...
Sometimes,what driver one away is not the absence of emotion,but the overwhelming presence of it..
Attraction comes 2 us by chance,but true love that lasts is truly a choice..
Sometimes i choose 2 pretend i'm happy so i don't have 2 explain 2 people who would never even understand...Crying is always easier than explaining 2 all why i'm sad~In life,i have done every way of fighting,heard every painful truth.Been in every heartbreaking scene,and felt every dreadful feeling.."LOVE IS LIKE GIVING SOME1 A GUN,giving them point it at ur heart and trusting 2 never pull the strigger..

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mieylan:One of the reason???Part 2..

There are times when i wish that i was limited 2 certain that i'll never have 2 experience pain,never feel betrayed or dissappointed and never get my fragile heart broken..
But the same thing mean that i'll never know how it feel 2 love and be love in return..The thought of it kind of scared me...To love a heart that's whole but numb or a heart that's broken but real..
Someday,u be looking back to those days we learned 2 love,get hurt,cry and fight..!
Maybe when that time comes,we'll be laughing at ur old dumb selves..Realizing how stupid we were 2 stand up 4 things we knew weren't really meant 4 us...But i guess learning takes time,and mistake make one's journey fun..
LIFE IS WHAT WE MAKE IT!!Love makes the world go around..
So let's live,love,and take whatever pain it brings though it's hard 2 wait around 4 something that i know will never happen..It's harder 2 stop when i know it's everything i've always wanted..But u know what????
I'm didn't like n i'm not glad it happend......

Monday, October 11, 2010

Mieylan:One of the reason???Part 1..

art One of the reason why people get so sentimental???
It's bcoz,memories are the only things that don't change..When everything else does,,
There are things in life that u can't hold on forever,no matter how much u fight 4 it..Sometimes destiny isn't always goOd,it becomes playful.When u met some1 u learned 2 love,u thought that it was destiny who made your paths cross but what if making ur paths cross it just a part of the game that the playful destiny create??
Making you realize in the end that the person u thought that was destined 4 u wasn't really meant 2 stay..
But only destined 2 make u feel love and leave u when you've already fallen..It's not easy 2 state a reason when u decide 2 leave ur love,Some might think it's just an excuse but some might not actually believe....
Some will blame u,some might even be mad at u...What they don't see is the fact that??? It hurt u even more 2 hurt some1 who doesn't deserve 2 be hurt especially when u can't actually state the reason why you have 2 laeve????You can never own something that was never yours..So let's stop gripping on things we expect 2 last 4ever..Nothing last 4ever?4ever is a lie!!!Everything is transitory...
So while u have something in ur hand,put in mind that it's just borrowed...So that someday when it's gone,it's wont take u eternity just 2 let it go..When your feelings get strong 4 some1,it's always wise 2 stop 4 a while and give ur heart..A time 2 use ur mind 2 weigh the situation based on reason not an emotion bcoz the saddest things that can happen is when one fall in love while the other one nothing more than friendship..
Love can sometimes be magic,but magic can sometimes be an illusion..????

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Miss My Old handphone!!:'(

My old Handphone!!!!!
Sony ericsson...

Friday, October 8, 2010


Once upon a time,Hehe~Something happened 2 me.. It was the sweetest thing that could ever be..
It was the day that i met u,but now it's all gone~
"Meeting you was fate,
becoming ur friend was a choice,
falling in love with you was beyond my control.."
They say when you are missing some1,they probably feeling the same..The part that hurts me the most,,,,
There's this place in me where ur finger tips still rest,ur kisses still linger..
Sometimes i wish i am still a little kid again.Skinned knees are easier 2 fix from than broken hearts..
Ask me why i keep on loving u???There are things that i dont want 2 happen but i have 2 accept..
Things i don't want know but i have 2 learn and people i can't live without but have 2 let go~

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Is it over??

Giving some1 all your love is never an assurance that they'll love u back..Some people are just not meant 2 be in ur life,no matter how much you want them 2 be..
You hug him gudbye like it's nothing,while all u want 2 do is hold on 4ever..
I used 2 smile when i told people that u were mine but now,i can't even smile n say ur name at the same time as much as i luv u but i have 2 say gudbye coz i know u would be happier if i let u go...hurm
I'm sorry if i made u cry,a'm sorry if tears fell from ur eyes but remember 4 every tear that fell from ur eyes,2 fell from mine..Missing u isn't the hardest part..knowing i once had u,is what breaks my heart..
I'll never the times we once shared and i'll always remember how much u once cared..Now it's over~It's time 2 move on....It's never easy 2 see u turning back!But i have 2 take the pain and cry all the way home coz i know it will never be the same..
I know when u leave,distance will keep us apart.But distance no matter how far,can't change these feelings in my heart..Just turn ur head when u see me,i will understand..:'(
1 day,i will be able 2 look u in the eyes without feeling the pain i've caused u..
I hope in time,u will be happy as u call my name once again...
but even if it's near,i know it will be hard 4 us 2 get there.........

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Xfhm ekh ku dlm relationship camtok???
Pdh kapel knk kapel camtok laen,tok bkn dh nma kapel dh....Aku tauk ku slh p ku tauk bha ya nang slh aku n aku dh cuba nk brbait ngan nya p apa respon dr nya??
Bla ku dh ambik palak dkpun bok nk gago sal aku?
Tension arh kapel camtok!!!Tok ka dr 1st kapel ku dpt???
Mok aku fhm nya jak p xpnh nk fhm aku...!Ckit2 aku juak d'slh lak..!Suma lar slh aku,xpnh x!!!
Knek lantak lar gk pa nk jd,dh xksah pun!!!Pning palak aku pk2 gk...
Kapel msj "aku kwu"???Ish!Skti lar!!Jaminan 1st kapel dr nya tok lar!Huh!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

If You????

If you're not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?why does my hand fit yours this way?? If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call?would I have the strength to stand at all?????
I never know what the future brings but i know you're here with me now..We'll make it through and I hope you are the one...
I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand..If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?If I don't need you then why am I crying on my bed?why does your name resound in my head?
I don't know life so far away but I know that its just a trip..
And I'm praying you're the one I'Ve build..I hope I love you~
'Cause I love you, whether it's wrong or right.....

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My new story n forget u..

Today 19.9.2010~I open my new relationship with some1..
Even nya ssah nk lupak sowg ya p aku akan blajar lupakkannya bcoz ku tauk some1 nok dtg lam idup ku tok pat plh aku lupakkan kisah dulu kala..
Aku arap mek2 akan lbih better dr b4 tok...
Jgn buat ksilapan yg sama lg n jgn ska nk nyakit aty aku~I did'nt like it..

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Look at you..

Everybody needs inspiration,everbody needs a song..A beautiful melody,When the night's so long Cause there is no guarantee
That this life is easy...When there's no light to break up the dark,

when my world is falling apart

That's when I look at you..
When the waves are flooding the shore and I can't find my way home anymore...
I see forgiveness,I see the truth...You love me for who I am,like the stars hold the moon..Right there where they belong and I know im not alone..
You appear just like a dream to me..Just like kaleidoscope colors that cover me,
All I need,every breath that I breathe...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

watching me~

Found myself today,I found myself and ran away..Something pulled me back
The voice of reason I forgot I had,All I know is you're not here to say,What you always used to say but it's written in the sky tonight..
So I won't give up..!!!!No I won't break down!Sooner than it seems life turns around and I will be strong even if it all goes wrong..
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe that someone's watching over me..
Seen that ray of light and it's shining on my destiny..
Shining all the time and I wont be afraid to follow everywhere it's taking me..
All I know is yesterday is gone and right now I belong to this moment to my dreams..

It doesn't matter what people say and it doesn't matter how long it takes,Believe in yourself and you'll fly high and it only matters how true you are be true to yourself and follow your heart.....

Your angel..

You used to call me your angel,said I was sent straight down from heaven..

You'd hold me close in your arms..I loved the way you felt so strong,I never wanted you to leave and i wanted you to stay here holding me..
I miss you,
I miss your smile and I still shed a tear..
Every once in a while and even though it's different now..
You're still here somehow,My heart won't let you go and I need you to know...
You used to call me your dreamer and now I'm living out my dream..
how I wish you could see???Everything that's happening for me,I'm thinking back on the past..
        It's true that time is flying by too fast..
I know you're in a better place,But I wish that I could see your face..I know you're where you need to be
Even though it's not here with me..

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

On 31 ogos!!

Sad on my birthday....:'(
Knk mzt tyme birthday ku da jak yg xknk??Suma xprfect..I juzt want happy today,nk arap aek mata tok kuar coz happy not sad??...
Ku pk ku akan happy witok ewh,P apa jd??Huh!!!
No one understand me what i want..!31 ogos!!!!!!

Hehe~i'm happy..but happy ku juzt ngan genk not with my famly n my lovely person..hurm
Thankz ecam,farhana,eymah n her sisz...Thankz 4 the present mah,i like it...huhu~
ku pun xtauk dakya mok plh suprised utk aku...Thankz guys..
ku Pk birthday ku taun tok lbh trok dr taun lbh but slh anggapan aku..
It's better dr taun lepas..Happy ekh??Xtauk nk pdh pa gk..Huhu
Thankz k 4 all nok wish birthday ku trutama my dad..xpnh nya wish,bok pg td nya wish..Love it..Thankz dad~Muahkz!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I miss you

Cries in a distance Can't stop the tremble I'm just awaiting my turn,

Hiding will never Save me forever The guns gonna get me for sure
Dear God..I pray why won't you be my friend Come to me and take my hand
Like mama would say Everything will be okay..
All i hear is 3 2 1 The scream from the the guns
And them 1 by 1 No one gets to run
Someone's dad or mom Sister, brother and son..
All i feel is 1 2 3 My tears start to bleed Smell of roses on my feet
All the rainy days we've ever had,

We're just gonna leave them in the past,
I wanna move forward so I don't look back,
boy you know I love you cause you've got it like that...
I don't wanna be without you no more,I need you in my live, I told you before...
You feel the same way, so don't you ignore it..
Just forget about what people say!You know - I know...That we were meant to be...
And I love it boy,I won't let go,I know you were meant for me..
Just forget about what people say!!
All the fussing all the fighting that we did before,Only made me wiser, only made me strong..
I just wanna love ya, forgive you I was do!!Do you hear me boy???...

            Love you so much!!!


Dear blog??..
I'm sick today..Hurm..Gastrik ngan demam...
Xalah2 skt ewh?Dh dmam mlanda pa lagi pning palak??Huh!!
Tyme posa pun nk skt ka??Someone bgtau spya mkn 7 kli shari ekot dia...huhu~
Cam lar dpt..Haha~Nya xpa,mun ompuan gemok xka xda owg nk pndang??
Arap jak skt tok xlamak n cpt mmbait...Hurm

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Thankz guys~Niesa n the genk..

Thankz 4 niesa ngan genk2 nya...Sowie ku xpat nk nyebut nma coz ku xbpa knal...
Pk juzt sungkey ngan cdak jak rah pizza duhal skli guzt Celebrate birthday aku ngan zaza..
Terkejut juak bla dknya tang da celebrate Brthday ku maka blowm smpey gk brthday ku,gk lamak..
P td mkowg cam dh knal lamak ewh?Huhu~

Happening glak cdak nya..
P anyway,Thankz guys trutama adiq ku niesa..Thankz diq??
Sowie coz ku dh slh fhm ngan nya...
Ari tok nang happy gler lar..Hehe

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Happy Days..^_^

Dear Blog..
Today is my anniversary with him..hehe
dua bln dh..arap2 lar pat kekal lamak gk dr tok n ku arap nya bbna dh brubah n plh hal kdak dlok gk...Hurm
I love and miss him so much...hehe~Badry Syahmi bin Bakri..Wah??Full name..hehe
Dlm bbrapa ari tok cam rapat glak jak mek2...Yalar bgz kan??hehe~maklumlah,bak kata qkak tunang xngajak..Lak kawin bok ngajak qkak..hehe

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Your Love

Maybe I need some rehab
Or maybe just need some sleep
I got a sick obsession
I'm seeing it in my dreams
I'm lookin down every alley
I'm making those desperate calls
I'm staying up all night hoping hitting my head against the wall
What you got boy, is hard to find
I think about it all the time
I'm all strung out my heart is fried
I just cant get you off my mind!!
I just cant get Won't listen to any advice
they telling me I should think twice
But look into my own devices, I'm addicted it's a crisis
My friends think I've gone crazy
My judgments gettin kinda hazy
My steeze is gonna be affected if I keep it up like a love sick crack head
off my mind
I don't care what people say
The rush is worth the price I pay
I get so high when you're with me
But crash and crave you when you leave...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Love..:'(

Yang kurasa walau tak terucap
S'makin dalam..
T'lah terukir di batas cintaku,Selamanya..
Tak pernah kumencoba.
Lepaskan cintamu walau sesaat,
Sejujurnya diriku terlalu sayang padamu
Kuingin s'lalu dalam Cintamu...
Dan tiada yang kan memisahkan..
Cintamu..Yang terlintas, terbias matamu
S'lama ini..
Adakah di hatimu?
Terbesit satu harapan untukku,
Tuk berjanji selamanya kan selalu milikku....

My Love..

Bila Rasaku Ini Rasamu..

Puas lie asa nya maen ku camtok..
Bla ku dh bna2,nya maenkan...
xnya tauk ku mngharap glak ngan nya p pa lar slh aku d'plh camya??
Adiq dkpun nikam dr blakang??
huh!!Bezt bg cdak pat rampas gwex qkak nya dkpun..
Xpa,Ku ttap syg cdak..
maybe One day lak cdak akan pat apa nok ku asa knek...
Musuh dlm slimut!!!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Siapa Diri Ku Di Sisi Mu?

Hembusan angin bagai membawa berita..
Berita yang mengecewakan ku..
Apa yang terjadi bukan yang ku impikan???
Namun ku tabahkan hati ini
Sayangku…ku tahu kau tak ingin begini
Tapi kau sanggup lakukannya
Betapa hatiku hancur musnah berderaian
Tidak seorang pun yang memahami
Hati dan perasaanku,
Kerna cintaimu ku jadi begini
Kerna sayangkan mu ku telan semua
Betapa hebatnya kau di hati ini...
Kenapa kau tak pernah fikirkan aku
Kenapa si dia jadi pilihanmu??????
Ku sedar siapa diriku di sisimu..
Ku harap suatu hari kau kan mengerti kasih,
Siapa diriku di sisimu??
Pengorbananku bagai tak pernah dihargai
Ia bagai angin yang berlalu...

I miSs u B...
Luv u So much..!

Monday, August 16, 2010


The Love..
Tho love..

Sedih xberujung...

Saat menjelang hari-hari bahagiamu
Aku memilih tuk diam dalam sepiku
Saat mereka tertawa di atas pedihku
Engkau cintaku yang telah pergi tinggalkanku
Aku tak peduli, sungguh tak peduli
Inilah jalan hidupku
Kini aku kau genggam hatiku
Simpan di dalam lubuk hatimu
Tak tersisa untuk diriku
Habis semua rasa di dada
Selamat tinggal kisah tak berujung
Kini ku kan berhenti berharap
Perpisahan kali ini untukku
Akan menjadi kisah sedih yang tak berujung


I'm not the type to get my heart broken
I'm not the type to get upset and cry
'cause I never leave my heart open
Never hurts me to say goodbye
Relationships don't get deep to me
Never got the whole in love thing
And someone can say they love me truly
But My mind is gone, I'm spinning round
And deep inside, my tears I'll drown
I'm losing grip, what's happening
I stray from love, this is how I feel
This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm, in this condition
And I've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me crythe time it didn't mean a thing